Our Education Program
Our program embraces Queensland's Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) which is informed by the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The five learning and development areas of this curriculum are Identity, Connectedness, Wellbeing, Active Learning and Communication.
Our Aims & Objectives
Our children are encouraged to:
Imagine, investigate, wonder, plan, question, think, discuss, experiment and reflect in order to build knowledge and concepts of how the world works.
Develop physical skills which enable them to function independently, express themselves confidently and further develop their strength and agility.
Develop self confidence and to have a positive self image.
Develop a range of appropriate social skills and strategies including listening to others, turn taking, sharing, co-operation, use language to communicate and play entry skills.
Develop a positive attitude to learning by being involved in decision making regarding the program, the routine, the room and the rules.
Think imaginatively and to express themselves creatively through music, movement and art media.